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Libary Outreach Events

We have made a strong effort to spread our knowledge and input an interest in STEM among young individuals. One of the ways we do this is by organizing Library Outreach events within our community. We most recently hosted Libary events in LIC and Jamaica Library, where we provided children with the opportunity to play with our robot, construct catapults with other kids, and educate them about FIRST LEGO League (FLL), FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC), and FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC).



We not only give back to our community by sharing our knowledge  but also by volunteering around our community without our robot. Each year, we RoboTigers volunteer at various places. We yearly volunteer at FIRST Events including FRC, FTC, FLL and FLL Jr., We also volunteer outside of first, volunteering in Homeless shelters, it's my park day, elderly centers and Turkey Trots.



With the collaboration of NYC FIRST, we officialy started 6, FTC teams,  13 FLL teams (including 18186, 18183 , 18190, 18187 & 7611 ) and mentored and assisted 2 FRC teams (1880 Warriors of East Harlem and 8739 Redhawk Robotics ). Additionaly, we've had the ability to assist over 100 FRC teams (in and out of competitions) with RTESS. 


Global Outreach

Our team members went to Santa Ana, Ecuador, were they met with 100 children and presented our mission to inspire the future generation of STEM leaders. In addition, we've also had online zoom meetings with teams in Mexico, and Turkey.



Summer Stem Program

We partnered with Sunnyside Community Services to create a STEM-based summer program for 85 of our community's rising 9th-grade students. Using our robot and STEM challenges, we raised awareness for FIRST in our four sessions.


Brooklyn Mobile Tech Coalition

We collaborated with the Brooklyn Mobile Tech Coalition (BMTC), which is group of organizations whose goal is to improve kids education in Brooklyn. We assisted in the development of STEM experiences for students in the NYCDOE's Summer Rising Program and helped make history for Brownsville, a community similar to ours in which kids struggle to achieve and have limited access to higher education and employment prospects.

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