RoboTigers Emergency Service Squad

During our rookie years, we spent hours building our robot only for it to barely function and cause more harm than good to our alliance partners, it was discouraging. The veteran teams around us were able to help us to allow us to be effective. To give back and ensure that no team ever feels discouraged from FIRST or STEM, we formed RTESS in 2012 to assist teams with any technical challenges they faced at competitions. Throughout competitions, we'd find ourselves in the pits of other teams, assisting them with wiring, programming, and giving any tips or tricks we've gained as a team. This quickly has become an organized program within our team, and we became committed to assisting teams that lacked the resources and experience to better compete.
What is RTESS?

In the past 3 years, we've assisted 100+ teams through our RTESS program. We support teams during competitions by guiding them in the construction of bumpers, lending out tools, helping their programming, and fixing broken robots. Originally this program was designed to help teams within our competitions. Now we volunteer at multiple competitions and have extended our services to a year-round endeavor. Providing teams with one-on-one online meetings, YouTube videos, and lesson plans about mechanical, electrical, programming, and drivetrain assistance.
"Every team should have the chance to watch their robots in action."
Youtube Videos
RTESS Zoom Meetings
Contact our email robotigers1796@gmail.com our press the button below to sceduele a meeting with us. We'll respond back in 1-2 buisness days.